30 Day Money Back Guarantee

To start your 30 Day Money Back claim, please follow the instructions below:
  1. Fill out the below form and begin the troubleshooting process within 30 days from the date of purchase.
  2. One of our customer care specialists will then begin the process of troubleshooting or help you use the product according to our suggested use suggestions.
  3. The returned items should include all accessories and parts included in the box as delivered, any missing items will void the 30-day money back guarantee.
After Approval:
Once we have approved the 30-day money back guarantee request, you will need to send the product/s back to us and provide a tracking number within 7 business days. Failure to do so may result in us withholding the refund.
*In certain cases we may still accept refunds even if our instructions are not followed, or if the product is damaged, however, we may withhold £10.00 - £15.00 restocking fee. If you believe you qualify for our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, you can submit your return below: